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Bedford Fuels

Spread the cost of heating your home.

Gas and Electricity customers usually pay as they go along, with monthly direct debits, but liquid fuel customers will usually only get a bill on the occasions that they order a tank refill. Many customers only have oil deliveries once or twice a year (especially those with the bigger tanks) meaning big bills each time.

In order to help spread the cost over the year we are happy for customers to pay by monthly standing order. Given the seasonal nature of fuel use, this does mean that customers will probably be over-paying in the warmer summer months, when fuel consumption goes down, but conversely they will be under-paying in the colder winter months when fuel use goes up. However, the under-payments and over-payments should balance out over the course of the year. The advantage though is no sudden big bills.

We would generally expect accounts to be sufficiently in credit that the cost of the next delivery is mostly covered. We may have to adjust the monthly payments either up or down as time goes on to ensure they are about right as the cost of fuel can vary and fuel use can also vary - literally depending on the weather. Alternatively if an account is not quite in credit enough, a one-off extra payment can be made to make up the difference. We look at each case on it's merits.


For customers that would like to go on a Budget Payments Plan, there is the added advantage that you can choose to go onto our Automated Top-Up Service and/or you can also elect to have a Tank Monitor installed (please see our seperate web-pages relating to the Automatic-Top-up Service and our Tank Monitorin Devices).


Please call the office on 01234 581090 if you wish to discuss setting-up a top-up-service with monthly payments.

Opening Times

We're open 5 days a week.

Monday - Friday 8am to 5pm

Why Buy From Us?

  • High Quality Fuel
  • Delivery when you need it
  • Excellent Service
  • Great Prices
  • Trusted Supplier
  • Experienced Drivers

Call us today to get the Bedford Fuels experience on 01234 581090

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Bedford Fuels Ltd, Wharley End Farm, Wharley End, Cranfield, Bedford, MK43 0AW
Company Reg.No. 12758601 VAT No. GB 380 6395 77
© 2021 Bedford Fuels Ltd